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TONIGHT, 8PM: David Leikam (solo) and zBug (trio) - LSG Creative Music Series | The Luggage Store Ga
David Leikam (solo) and zBug (trio) - LSG Creative Music Series | The Luggage Store Gallery, San Fra
THU, JAN 9: zBug (trio) - LSG Creative Music Series | The Luggage Store Gallery, San Francisco, Cali
DEC 21: Paul Wexler’s Wexwax and John Todd/Erik Tollefsen | The Monkey House, Berkeley, California
ALBUM REVIEW: zBug | Splitting Glass/Twilight Sunrise
DEC 21: Paul Wexler’s Wexwax and John Todd/Erik Tollefsen | The Monkey House, Berkeley, California
DEC 8: zBug (trio) and Feral Luggage | Temescal Art Center, Oakland, California
Antonic/Fischer, David Leikam - LSG Creative Music Series, San Francisco, California
David Leikam and zBug LIVE Worldwide Broadcast and in San Francisco in MAR and JUN 2019
zBug reBooting LIVE in Oakland and San Francisco in 2019