AUG: Sunset/Sunrise and A Passageway into Morning - Music Releases, etc.
I hope you are doing well today/this week and I have 2 new music releases: (read newsletter)
Sunset/Sunrise ~ Sunset - 12:22: David Leikam performs the debut of Sunset: A tribute to Eddie Gale (1941-2020), an improv piano solo as part of the Outsound Presents: SIMM Music Series, San Francisco on 4 JUN 2023. Sunrise - 05:41: David Leikam and Eddie Gale duet at Friday Night Music (Music Annex) for an improv of acoustic piano and trumpet in 2002.
A Passageway into Morning ~ 53:30: Rediscovered from the ether of radio, the long awaited improvised ambient journey on KFJC in 2014, as part of the 24 Hour Drone. A Moog Rogue synthesiser solo set with pedals, in deep contemplation at dawn on 30 MAY 2014.
Coming Friday, August 10 is the music release of Feeding the Disease (25:00), a NS Design CR6-string fretless electric cello solo, originally broadcast on Sound Wheels with R Duck (KZSU) on 20 JUN 2023.
Also, go checkout my updated Soundcloud Pro channel today!