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TONIGHT, 8PM: David Leikam (solo) and zBug (trio) - LSG Creative Music Series | The Luggage Store Ga
David Leikam (solo) and zBug (trio) - LSG Creative Music Series | The Luggage Store Gallery, San Fra
THU, JAN 9: zBug (trio) - LSG Creative Music Series | The Luggage Store Gallery, San Francisco, Cali
DEC 21: Paul Wexler’s Wexwax and John Todd/Erik Tollefsen | The Monkey House, Berkeley, California
ALBUM REVIEW: zBug | Splitting Glass/Twilight Sunrise
DEC 21: Paul Wexler’s Wexwax and John Todd/Erik Tollefsen | The Monkey House, Berkeley, California
DEC 8: zBug (trio) and Feral Luggage | Temescal Art Center, Oakland, California
THIS WEEK: David Leikam - zBug (quartet) and LKD (trio) | Oakland and Sunnyvale, California
OCT 22 / NOV 19: zBug (quartet) & Rent Romus' Lords of Outland | David Leikam (solo/duet) -
SEP/OCT: David Leikam - Eddie Gale’s Inner Peace Orchestra / zBug & Rent Romus' Lords of Out